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Jesus Makes Us Great

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Pastor Steve Brown


After the recent election, let’s reset our understanding of what is true greatness and how it is that we become great. In the gospel lesson, as Jesus reflects on John the Baptist, Jesus teaches that real greatness comes to those who are in the kingdom of heaven, where we are made great by the work of Jesus. As followers of Jesus we rest in the assurance that Jesus has made us great, which moves us to live lives of thankful and humble service. We live in a culture driven by hype. As followers of Jesus we can lead people to reset their understanding what it means to be great to reflect the values of Jesus, thankful and humble service to others.


After hearing this sermon, we hope you will identify where you are getting caught up in the empty hype of what it means to be great. Quietly commit yourself to live by the values that Jesus teaches foster authentic greatness.


Lessons: Matthew 11:2-11; Romans 8:15-17, 28-30; Mark 10:35-45

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