Redefining Worship
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Colleen Zielke
There is often a misunderstanding of the act of worship, that it lives only on Sunday mornings at church, and that we worship God for what we get out of it or to impress others. We often don’t enter church in a spirit to declare the worth of God in honest celebration and proclamation, and we rarely find ways to worship outside of the church building. By redefining our definition of what worship is, we seek to truly experience God’s presence daily, be in awe of the life-giving and life-flowing power of God that transforms our hearts, and be sent to tell others about Him!
Next step: Pray and ask God to search us and give us courage to repent of anything keeping us from worshiping Him. Recognize that we worship Christ from a grateful heart that knows that He is changing us to be more like Him.