As a Guest Services volunteer, you have the unique opportunity to create an incredible guest experience for every person who attends our church. Think of your role as being the “host” in your home and of them as “guests” in your home. Every Sunday is someone’s first Sunday. Our teams display the love of Jesus and introduce them to a church that is a sanctuary where God’s love is learned, lived and unleashed.
Here's how you can help:
USHERS arrive early, pass out bulletins, help people find seating, take up the offering, and lead people forward for communion. Ushers help make everyone's worship experience comfortable. Two ushers are needed weekly at 8:15/11:30 and four ushers are needed at 10:30.
COMMUNION SERVERS distribute the sacrament during communion services. Nine volunteers are needed at the 10:30 service, three are needed at 8:15 and two at 11:30
GREETERS and HOSTS help us create a warm, welcoming atmosphere and answer guest questions. These important volunteers also to help collect the offering. Two volunteers are needed for each service and at 9:30 am.
SCRIPTURE READERS prepare our hearts and minds for the sermon by sharing the Word of God during the worship service. One volunteer is needed at each service.
COFFEE SERVICE brew delicious coffee and set out refreshments that help create a warm and welcoming environment for all guests. (Ideal for an 8:15 worshipper). One to two volunteers are needed each week. This volunteer could also help by picking up the donut holes as they come to church on Sunday.
COFFEE CLEAN-UP volunteers keep our coffee stations fresh and clean each week (ideal for a 10:30 worshipper; this job takes 20 minutes after worship). While one volunteer is needed after 10:30 service, why not serve with your kids or a friend?