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18-11-11 Happy Money - WEB.jpg

Happy Money

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Pastor Steve Brown

As you manage your money: give to have joy, save to have peace, and live to have freedom. Discontentment, greed, and debt rob us of being happy with our money and enslave us. Submit your financial life to God by saying, “God, I don’t want my stuff and wealth to manage me. I want you to manage me and teach me how to manage my money.”  God’s answer is first give of the money that comes our way, with the Biblical percentage being 10%; secondly to save for the long-term, with the wise guidance being 10%; and thirdly to live with freedom on the rest.


Next Step: Figure out how you will manage your money to bring you joy, peace, and freedom. 


Lessons: Genesis 3:1-8, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19, Luke 12:13-21

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